Travel Vaccines

If you need travel vaccines before an overseas trip, Bairnsdale Medical Group provides a comprehensive service.

Prior to travel to any overseas destination, it is important to check with your General Practitioner that you are protected against diseases that are prevalent in the countries you will be visiting.

It is important that you have all required travel vaccines administered at least 1 month prior to departure.

Please allow a full consultation per person for this purpose as requirements can be complex depending on the patient and the destination.

To ensure you receive the best advice, your consulting doctor will need to know:

  • the countries you will be visiting;
  • the length of stay in each country;
  • the time of year (season) in each country;
  • type of accommodation, and
  • type of travel.

Before you see the world, see your doctor at Bairnsdale Medical Group.

Book an appointment today.

Travel Vaccines