Skin Checks

Skin cancers are common with two out of three Australians likely to develop some form of skin cancer during their lifetime.

Who should get checked?

We recommend that most adults have a comprehensive skin check at regular intervals

There is no one specific feature of a spot or mark on the skin that means “yes, it is a skin cancer”.

The best criteria is – if it’s changing, get it checked.

Change could mean a change in shape, a change in size, a change in colour, something that’s itchy or bleeding, or something that might be new.

Skin checks are conducted by the doctor in a warm, private room. Usually patients undress but leave their underwear on, if you wish skin normally covered by underwear can be checked. Checks of a limited area (upper /lower body) or a single spot can be done if required, but complete checks are recommended.

Before your skin check…

If possible please remove nail varnish from fingers and toes.

Do not wear any make up or foundation; moisturiser or sunscreen is fine. Ideally please wear loose fitting clothes that are easy to remove.

Please advise the doctor of any particular lesions you are concerned about or lesions that have changed. Also advise if there is a family history of skin cancers, previous skin cancer excisions, radiation, use of immune suppression drugs or episodes of being severely sunburnt.

Book an appointment today.