Dr Peter Worboys


Dr Peter Worboys has been a partner at BMG since 1995.

Having grown up in Melbourne, then graduating from Melbourne University in 1988, he spent the next six years in various locations in Victoria, Queensland and the Northern territory obtaining the clinical experience and skills required to become a rural General Practitioner.

Since 1995, his role in Bairnsdale has included anaesthetic, obstetric, emergency and inpatient care at the local hospital and the broad spectrum of work required of a rural proceduralist General Practitioner.

In 2016 he decided to no longer to provide obstetric care, but otherwise to continue his work as a rural doctor.

He is married to Deryn with a daughter and two sons. Unfortunately soon the nest will be empty. He and his family love all that the East Gippsland lifestyle has to offer and has happily raised their family here.