Free, Easy and Local – Flu Vaccination the Best Protection Against Sickness This Winter
Flu vaccination appointments now available at www.bairnsdalemedicalgroup.com.au/appointments
Hands up if you know someone who has had the flu recently?
Yeah, pretty much everyone. Seems like it’s everywhere, doesn’t it?
All around us friends, family members, school mates and co-workers are coming down with the flu.
And it isn’t fun. Just ask anyone who has had it.
The good news is that you can protect yourself from the flu by getting your flu shot.
And it’s free and simple to get your flu shot right here in Bairnsdale.
Over the next few weeks BMG has a range of appointments open for you to get your flu shot.
And until the end of June the flu vaccination is free to everyone.
Book your appointment now at www.bairnsdalemedicalgroup.com.au/appointments/ and protect yourself from the flu this year!